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Cutting-Edge Technology’s Response to Wetland Policy Changes

In this webinar scheduled for December 9th at 12:30pm EST, co-hosted with Esri, we will hear from seasoned wetland mitigation bankers and consulting scientists who are navigating recent changes in wetland policy. We will take a look at the impacts of changes to Nationwide Permits, the Navigable Water Protection Rule, and NEPA rollbacks while also highlighting how technological developments can help simplify complex regulatory processes.



Jeremy Schewe, PWS, Chief Scientific Officer,  Ecobot

Daniel Martin, Consultant/Project Manager, Esri

Presenters & Panelists:

Victoria Bruce, CEO, The Mitigation Banking Group, Inc.

Jeffrey Pearson, Geographer, Esri

Corinna Photos, PWS, Senior Biologist, Wood

Daniel DeJoode, PhD, Wetland Scientist, Braun Intertec Corporation


  1. Impact of the Navigable Water Protection Rule to the environmental consulting and engineering industry
  2. Affect of USACE Nationwide Permit changes
  3. NEPA rollbacks ripple effect on natural resources
  4. Hurdles of the wetland mitigation industry in respect to recent changes in water policy and protection
  5. Wetland science technology’s agile response to policy changes
  6. Efficiency of the new data ecosystem for wetland science
  7. Q&A with Victoria, and our panelists/presenters


December 9th,  12:30 – 1:30 pm ET