Our Blog

MBG CEO, Victoria Bruce METRA Meeting

The Mitigation Banking Group Founder & CEO, Victoria Bruce had the privilege to speak at the METRA General Meeting on January 10th. Victoria had the opportunity to provide the attendees with detailed knowledge about the Past, Present and Pending Future of mitigation banking in the state of Florida. Take an inside look:   Download MBG Presentation

Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA): Proposed Changes to Florida Wetlands

Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands. Section 404 requires a permit before dredged or fill material may be discharged into waters of the United States. Senate Bill 1402, which was proposed on January 9, 2018, would authorize the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to assume administration of the federal Clean Water Act, section 404 dredge and fill permitting program from

The Mitigation Banking Group, Guest Speaker for METRA January Meeting

Join us at FDEP Central District in Orlando, Florida on January 10th at 3 pm to join our discussion on mitigation banking in Florida. General Meeting Wednesday – January 10, 2018, at 3 pm. Please invite and forward to any interested entities! Please join us to hear Victoria K. Bruce, CEO of The Mitigation Banking Group, Inc.  She has been in the mitigation banking credit industry since 2004. Victoria’s has a vast background in the wetland mitigation and habitat conservation banks industry. Victoria is passionate

Mitigation Bank Rulemaking

Mitigation Banking Rulemaking for Florida Department of Environmental Protection. This information has recently been updated and is now available. Rule Adoption Hearing for 62-342.700, F.A.C., Financial Assurance for Mitigation Banks (Tentative) DATE AND TIME: January 19th, 2018, 1:00 p.m., ET PLACE: This hearing will be broadcast via webinar. Parties can register to attend the webinar via their personal computers with audio by telephone (regular long distance telephone charges will apply) or by speakers connected to their computer (no telephone charges will apply). Webinar registration is

United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) Sand Skink Update

On October 20, 2017 the United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) sent out a memo regarding a new Statewide Radius for Sand Skinks.  The memo was to document the decision and provide standard language to be included in Biological Opinions (BO) or Habitat Conservation Plans/Incidental Take Permits. Click here to read the entire new Statewide Radius Change for Sand Skink Incidental Take Permits from 188 ft to 80 ft. Need more

Crooked River Mitigation Bank For Sale

Crooked River Mitigation Bank For Sale

Permitting a mitigation bank is considered a high barrier to entry industry and risky due to the indefinite permitting timelines, standards and other unknowns. Entering the marketplace with a fully functioning mitigation bank permitted by both state and federal agencies is a unique, valuable long-term asset, that awards you less risk and a several years of time-savings.