Tippen Bay Mitigation Bank
The Tippen Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank is a 730-acre parcel located within the Peace River Watershed in Desoto County, Florida.
Restoration & Enhancement activities include: improvement of hydro-logic conditions of converted pasture lands through installation of structural controls; improvement of vegetative conditions by eliminating limpograss (Hemarthria altissima); restore hydrology of forested wetland through installation of hardened water control structure and vegetative enhancement through wetland species planting, enhancement to wetland and upland forests by eradication of invasive species; wetland creation through regrading of upland areas; removal of interior fencing; and removal of cattle from the bank.
A potential of 224.75 mitigation credits are to be awarded to the mitigation bank; which include 38.97 UMAM Freshwater Forested credits and 185.78 UMAM Freshwater Herbaceous wetland credits.