Terralargo Mitigation Bank

Terralargo Mitigation Bank: Restoring Wetlands in Polk County’s Hillsborough River Basin

The Terralargo Mitigation Bank is a 365-acre ecological restoration project located in Polk County, Florida, within the Hillsborough River Drainage Basin. Permitted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) using UMAM methodology, Terralargo currently offers forested and herbaceous freshwater state wetland mitigation credits for qualifying applicants within the Hillsborough River Basin.

Historically used for cattle grazing and pasture, this site has undergone significant transformation to restore its natural hydrology and ecological function. Cattle have been removed, drainage ditches backfilled, and exotic species managed to reestablish the native flatwoods and wetland systems. Hydrologic improvements are expected to restore natural water levels and hydroperiods across nearly 293 acres of previously drained marsh and forested wetlands. Additionally, over 45 acres of upland enhancement areas have been incorporated to bolster long-term preservation goals.

The mitigation and management plan outlines performance standards, monitoring criteria, and habitat improvements to ensure ecological success and regulatory compliance. Restoration activities include:

  • Control of invasive and nuisance species
  • Supplemental native plantings
  • Prescribed fire to reestablish natural fire cycles
  • Reestablishment of flow to Lake Galloway via natural hydrologic pathways

Credits Available:

  • Forested & Herbaceous Freshwater State Wetland Mitigation Credits
  • Permitted by SWFWMD
  • USACE Approval Pending
  • Call for Pricing

Interested in purchasing credits?

Contact us or visit our credit pricing page for more information.