Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank
Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank provides state and federal Tidal Marsh, Freshwater Herbaceous, Estuarine Forested and Mangrove credits within the Tampa Bay and Coastal Areas Basin which is within the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
Mitigation Bank credits are available to offset unavoidable wetland impacts that are located within the Tampa Bay and Coastal Area Basins with UMAM credits (State) and WRAP credits (Federal).
The Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank is a 161.2-acre mitigation bank that is located in Hillsborough County, Florida.
The bank was permitted by both the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and can be utilized as mitigation for impacts within the service area.
The bank includes creation of saltwater and freshwater wetlands, which provides significant ecological and water quality benefits to Cockroach Bay and the Tampa Bay Estuary. The bank also enhances Andrews Creek and creation of tidal tributaries through elevation adjustment.