Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank

Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank

Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank

The Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank (SCMB) is a 619-acre restoration project located in Osceola County, southwest of Kissimmee. This critical environmental asset lies within a significant ecological corridor that stretches from Orlando to Lake Tohopekaliga. The SCMB plays a vital role in flood control, water supply, and water quality enhancement for the region. It provides a rare opportunity for developers to purchase mitigation credits and offset unavoidable environmental impacts.

Available Mitigation Credits

Freshwater Forested & Herbaceous

Shingle Creek, Reedy Creek, Boggy Creek, Lake Toho

Permitted: SFWMD (UMAM)

$145,000.00/State Forested Credit

$215,000.00/State Herbaceous Credit

Location and Ecological Significance

Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank is strategically located within several important watersheds that form the headwaters of the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, making it a crucial part of central Florida’s hydrological system. The service areas covered by SCMB include:

  1. Shingle Creek Basin
  2. Reedy Creek Basin
  3. Boggy Creek Basin
  4. Lake Tohopekaliga Basin
  5. East Lake Tohopekaliga Basin

These watersheds are interconnected, and restoration efforts within the SCMB will benefit the overall health and functionality of the region’s water systems. The Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank’s contributions to water quality improvement and habitat restoration are expected to positively affect the surrounding basins for years to come.

Restoration and Enhancement Plan

The Restoration and Enhancement Plan for the Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank focuses on:

  • Vegetative Improvement
    • Nuisance and Exotic Vegetation Removal: The plan includes the removal of invasive plant species that threaten native flora, restoring the ecological balance and improving habitat quality.
    • Maintenance: Ongoing monitoring and vegetation management to prevent the regrowth of invasive species.
  • Hydrologic Restoration
    • Restoration of the bank’s natural hydrology is crucial for sustaining wetland functions, supporting water flow, and maintaining the natural floodplain dynamics.
  • Land Management Plan
    • A comprehensive land management strategy to ensure long-term preservation. This includes land use monitoring, enforcing conservation measures, and promoting sustainable practices.

Wildlife Benefits

The Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank provides significant ecological benefits for a wide variety of wildlife species. By improving habitat conditions, the SCMB supports the nesting, foraging, and loafing activities of birds and other wildlife that inhabit the surrounding basins. Enhanced habitats will also help promote biodiversity, making the entire watershed more resilient and ecologically robust.

Species likely to benefit from the SCMB include:

  1. Florida sandhill cranes
  2. Wood storks
  3. American alligators
  4. Bald eagles
  5. Various migratory birds and other species native to the region

Ecological Impact

The improvements at Shingle Creek Mitigation Bank are expected to have a ripple effect throughout the watershed, benefiting not only the immediate area but also the interconnected ecosystems within the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes. These enhancements contribute to the long-term health of Florida’s wetlands and support critical flood control and water filtration services for central Florida.

MItigation Banks for Sale

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