Purchasing Mitigation Credits

Depending on which watershed your property is located in will determine which mitigation bank you can purchase credits from.
Mitigation Banks are priced differently depending on which watershed you are located in.
Pricing ranges from $100,000.00/UMAM Credit to $500,000.00/UMAM Credit.
If Mitigation Credits are $200,000.00/UMAM, you can estimate $60,000.00- $160,000.00/acre of direct impact (pricing depends on the quality of the wetland impact). The better quality the wetland, the more mitigation credits that need to be purchased.
To find out the quality of the impact, you must have an environmental consultant do a Wetland Delineation and do a UMAM score analysis to determine the quality of the wetland from a 0-1. An example is 0.3 is low quality, 0.6 is average quality and 0.8 is high quality.
To find out which Mitigation Banks service your property, please plug in your address:
For all of your mitigation banking needs, contact Victoria at victoria@mitigationbankinginc.com.