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Figliuzzi Wetland Mitigation Bank in Minnesota

Introducing the Figliuzzi Wetland Mitigation Bank (MBI Approved 2017)

Nestled in the heart of the Red River Watershed, HUC-8: 09020305-Red Lakes, the Figliuzzi Wetland Mitigation Bank presents a unique opportunity for environmental restoration and investment. Spanning 167 acres in Beltrami, Minnesota, this bank has been meticulously developed to enhance local biodiversity and support water quality improvements within the region.

With a total of 147.849 wetland mitigation credits valued at $2.5 million, the Figliuzzi Bank stands as a significant contribution to the environmental and regulatory landscape of Minnesota. These credits offer an essential tool for developers and organizations looking to offset their environmental impact in compliance with wetland conservation efforts.

Discover the potential of the Figliuzzi Wetland Mitigation Bank for your next project or investment.

Figliuzzi Wetland Mitigation Bank for Sale

  • Formal Probate Estate Sale
  • 187.84 Federal Credits Released
  • Permitted by the USACE in 2017
  • Credit Pricing is approx. $22,500.00
  • Average Absorption of Mitigation Credits: 25.7/year (490 Credits Sold)
  • 167 Acres of Conservation Land
  • 242.90 Mitigation Credits in Existing Inventory (not including Figliuzzi WMB); Four Existing and Active Mitigation Banks (Two Owners) servicing the Red River Watershed

There are currently two other mitigation providers, which collectively have 237 federal sedge meadow credits available with no additional credit releases and are charging $22,500.00/credit.

Based on the Pro Forma, Figliuzzi Mitigation Bank has an estimated value of $2.5 million+, with 187.84 federal sedge meadow credits currently available. Estimated absorption is 15 credits/year, resulting in an approximate 11-year sell-out timeline.

All credits are fully released, and there are no anticipated additional expenses, only standard maintenance and monitoring, estimated at $15,000.00/year.

This is a formal probate estate sale that went before the Minnesota Supreme Court. Victoria Bruce has been exclusively contracted to sell this mitigation bank on behalf of the estate through August 2025. Read the full case via Justia.

USACE Permit/Tracking No.: 2008-00982-WAB
Total Acres: 167.00
Status/Date: Approved 10/26/2017
Credit Type:

Federal Sedge Meadow Credits

MItigation Banks for Sale

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