FAQ’s and Resources

Frequently Asked Questions


5 Water Management Districts: Drainage Basin Maps
Each Mitigation Bank Permit identifies a geographic area served by the permitted mitigation bank within a defined region (mitigation service area).

Click to view larger image.

SJRWMD Basins​
SWFWMD Basins​
SFWMD Basins​
SRWMD Basins​

Mitigation Banking Helpful Links/Resources:

Federally Permitted and Pending Florida Mitigation Banks (status of permits, available credits and ledger): 


Home (army.mil) https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:2

The Five Water Management Districts throughout Florida:

SJRWMD Mitigation Banks:


SWFWMD Mitigation Banks: 


SFWMD Mitigation Banks: (Need to search by Mitigation Bank Permit Number):


NWFWMD Mitigation Banks: 


SRWMD Mitigation Banks: Need to search by Mitigation Bank Permit Number:


FDEP Mitigation Bank Ledgers: 


National Wetlands Inventory: Wetlands Mapper:

National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/data/Mapper.html

FDEP 404 Jurisdiction Determination 


Water Contamination



Asbestos in Soil and Water | Exposure Risks (mesothelioma.net)

FDEPs Map Direct


FDEP MapDirect: Mitigation Bank Service Area Map

Mitigation Banks Service Area Map (state.fl.us)

Latitude and Longitude Conversion Tool


Florida DEP Consolidated OCULUS- Electronic Document Management System


Real Property Dedicated in Perpetuity for Conservation Exemption Application

Please click on the link for forms that need to be submitted to your county tax collector by March 1st of the year you are requesting a tax exemption for. This is form DR-418-C. Once you are approved, you should only need to file the Renewal form DR-418-CR, also referenced.

JD Request Form-Jurisdictional Waters of the United States regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The identification and location of jurisdictional Waters of the United States, including wetlands regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Sections 9 and 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, is determined through a process known as a Jurisdictional Determination (JD).

In order to make an official determination if the USACOE will claim jurisdiciation,  you must submit an AJD request on behalf of the applicant to CORPSJAXREG-NC@usace.army.mil

What are Wetlands? Wetland Permitting 101 from The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) January 2020

Request to Transfer Environmental Resource and/or State 404 Program Permit: Change of Ownership